Tasting the native wines of Sardinia


◦ Wine and Sardinia is a perfect combination.

◦ Wine is one of the island’s top products.

The sun, the breeze from the sea and a favourable landscape make it home to a variety of native grapes, like the rich yet refreshing  white Vermentino  and Sardinia’s flagship the red Cannonau, which range from savory to complex and structured, all capable of putting a smile on your face that will last for hours.

Consider the island your new go-to region for compelling wines.

With names like  Nuragus, Nasco or Cagnulari , the bottlings from Sardinia are amongst the most fascinating wines even at international exhibitions.

Years of aging are a key part to the special winemaking process of the Malvasia of Bosa. Sip it just on very special occasions.

Lets visit one of the many wineries and get to know their secrets.

Happy to select the right tour for you!